
Dec 26, 2009

SANITY Test for Wanabe Revisionists


Dec. 26, 2009

Dear Michael,

Here is the essay which you should read:

Toben and Weber have flunked the test, and Germar stilll has NOT passed it.


NAZI Railroad Delousing Tunnels for Public Health, or Mass Murder!

Ever since 1983, I have insisted that the Germans had superb facilities for mass exterminations with cyanide gas—but those facilities have never been implicated anywhere in the holocaust story. Those facilities were large gas chambers in strategic places in eastern Europe which routinely employed cyanide from Zyklon-B to fumigate entire railroad trains. The fact that such superb facilities have never even been implicated shows there must be something seriously wrong with the generally accepted holocaust story. The accepted legend makes no sense technically because the gas chambers that supposedly were used for mass murder, especially those using diesel exhaust, would NOT have worked. 

I thought I had some killer arguments with my discovery of the railroad delousing gas chambers. I even showed pictures of several large gas chambers straddling railroad tracks and included German wartime technical essays describing the design and operation in some detail. I expected an uproar of criticism from the holocaust believers—but it never came from them. It came instead from a totally unexpected direction. It came from Robert Faurisson, a leading European holocaust revisionist, who insisted that I was completely wrong. For him, it would have been almost impossible to ventilate the corpses afterwards, and the corpses could not be touched, and the ventilation fans would have had to be impossibly huge. In 1994, at a convention held by the Institute for Historical Review, he even insisted that mass gassings with cyanide and Zyklon-B are categorically impossible. For good reason, I believe that wild speech by Faurisson is still not published, not even by the IHR. More recently Faurisson actually sent a letter to a mutual friend in which he insists that mass gassings in general were a "practical, technical impossiblity."And yet, Faurisson is seen by many adoring, revisionist admirers as a crusader for "analytical exactitude in historiography" as the title of a recent Festschrift honoring Faurisson shows all too well. 

The following images appear in some of my essays with explanations. 

Note the large blower on the upper rear wall which, in effect, drove the warmed, cyanide-air mixture through the supply and return ducts and throughout the gas chamber during the fumigating phase--and then drove fresh, warmed-air throughout the chamber during the venting phase. For more details about how these superb gas chambers operated, see Appendices A & B of my essay "Typhus and the Jews"

The above is from Roumania and is the largest RDT that I have ever seen anywhere in the German literature. It could have been a kind of Sistine Chapel for mass extermination. Just imagine all that ceiling space filled with murals by Marc Chagall! It even has a chimney! 

The above explains itself and was in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. 

From the captions, both of the tunnels immediately above as well as the Budapest gas chamber, all included the widely promoted Kreislaufsystem which was simply a common sense arrangement to warm the air before it was blown through the Zyklon-B granules before it was, in turn, all blown throughout the chamber. The fumigating phase was followed by a venting phase during which fresh, warmed-air was blown throughout the chamber to remove nearly every last trace of cyanide. Nonetheless, although it is not spelled out for railroad delousing, some additional fresh air venting might have been used as well since it was standard practice for much smallerKreislauf units that fumigated primarily clothing. 

As to the behaviour of cyanide, it is slighlty less dense than air and, therefore, tended to rise and NOT accumulate near the ground. This helped in venting and was one reason why it was not very useful as a military combat gas. 

The reason I am arguing about this is because it is damned important as a means to break through the hoax. Walter Luefl understood the importance of these gas chambers as a way to unravel the hoax in people's minds--but Germar Rudolf, who understand the importance also, had at a conference in Germany in 1993 quietly suppressed the subject rather than get Faurisson too excited.

from Robert Faurisson: "A practical, total impossibility. ...the mass gassings are technically impossible"

What follows is a letter from Robert Faurisson written to condemn my claims thatrailroad delousing gas chambers would have been ideal for mass murder, and that the total absence of even a mention of such gas chambers anywhere in the holocaust gassing literaure is a monumental flaw in the holocaust story. Railroad delousing gas chambers would have worked extremely well as devices for mass murder.

I apologize for the defective appearance (with typos) of the original French text that was available to me. I only present it here so that those who understand French can at least be confident that the English translation is reasonably accurate.


Dear Sir,

The argument of Fritz Berg has no value at all. I have told him that to his face. But maybe you are familiar with this unfortunate man's temper and zeal.

The existence of these hangars for the disinfection of trains was known for a long time, and I recall having talked about this during my first visit to the United States in 1979. Among my photo slides, in particular, I had some about a shed for the disinfection of trains (in Budapest?). I have repeated a hundred times, that gassing of inanimate objects, such as clothing, boats, trains, or facilities as sheds, churches, silos, libraries, rooms, etc. would truly be a delicate and dangerous, but not an impossible, operation. It would suffice to take a certain number of precautions, (for example, in order to avoid the spreading of the gas to the outside, explosions, etc.) and to proceed with the aeration, the ventilation of the inanimate objects at the gassing site wherein the gas could still remain. I have written of these procedures.

On the other hand, when the subject is alive, the problem becomes formidable, because the body is entirely impregnated and permeated with a virulent poison. It is for this reason that an execution gas chamber is so complicated, and that is why the doctor and his two assistants have to multiply the precautions. I will not reiterate about all they have to do and which does not guarantee much because even after all that, the corpse to be removed from the chamber, can still be hazardous. One can well imagine the formidable dangers which the piles of corpses would constitute, be they inside a shed, a house, or a so-called Nazi "gas chamber." There is the rub. Here lies the danger and nowhere else. One ends up with a practical, total impossibility. As to my question of 1978: For me, the mass gassings are technically impossible, yet you, if you think, that this is technically possible, show it to me. You know the answer which you gave me on February 21, 1979: A jest and an admission of incapacity? And since that date I am still waiting for an answer, be it from any practical jokers, or be it from Mr. Berg.

That which the latter could never stand, that a Frenchman, imbued in the culture of classical literature, had made a kind of scientific discovery, which a German or, better yet, especially, an American chemist or engineer should have attained, because, in the United States, gas chamber facilities were present right there within their penitentiaries.

As to that, I remember that in 1917 American humanitarians had the idea that it would be easier and more humane to execute the condemned persons with gas, than with the electric chair, or hanging, or by firing squad. That's when in the course of the construction of a gas chamber the technical difficulties were discovered. After seven years of effort, the first execution took place in Carson City, Nevada, which turned out to be all but a complete catastrophe.

What would Mr. F. Berg have done had it been demanded of him to enter his shed, immediately, or some hours later after an execution in order to remove thousands of corpses, highly impermeated with cyanide, and therefore untouchable? I had put this question to him in public, and he remained silent. I have told him, "study a subject that you have never studied: about the execution gas chambers in your own country." I remember that an American, who had followed our conversation had then made the remark, "Well, there, at least this is clear!"



original text of Robert Faurisson:

Bocage <bocage> a écrit :

------ Message transféré
De : Faurisson Robert <norton3>
Date : Thu, 29 Nov 2007 10:18:38 +0100
À : Yvonne Schleiter <bocage>
Objet : Re: la bombe du Pr. Toaff

Yvonne, peux-tu, s?il te plaît, transmettre à J. Nugent le message suivant ? Je t?en remercie d?avance. RF

Cher Monsieur,

L?argument de Fritz Berg n?a pas la moindre valeur. Je le lui ai dit, bien en face, mais vous connaissez peut-être la violence de ce malheureux et sa jalousie.

L?existence de ces hangars pour la désinfection d?un train était connue depuis longtemps et je me souviens d?en avoir parlé, dès 1979, lors de mon premier séjour aux Etats-Unis. Parmi mes diapositives, j?en avais notamment d?un hangar pour la désinfection des trains (à Budapest ?). J?ai cent fois répété que gazer au Zyklon B un matériau mort (vêtement, objets divers, cales de navires, trains, hangars, églises, silos, bibliothèques, habitations, ...) constitue une opération certes délicate et dangereuse mais non impossible : il suffit de prendre un certain nombre de précautions (par exemple, pour éviter la propagation du gaz à l?extérieur, l?explosion, etc.) et de procéder soit à l?aération, soit à la ventilation du lieu du gazage, soit encore à l?aération du matériau dans lequel il peut rester du gaz. J?ai décrit ces procédures.

En revanche, quand le matériau est vivant, le problème devient redoutable car un matériau vivant absorbe le HCN ; le cadavre devient intouchable ; il est tout entier imprégné et imbibé d?un poison violent. C?est pour cette raison qu?une chambre à gaz d?exécution est si compliquée et c?est pourquoi, le médecin et ses deux aides doivent multiplier les précautions. Je ne vais pas revenir ici sur tout ce qu?ils doivent faire et qui ne garantit pas grand-chose car, même après tout cela, le cadavre qu?on va sortir de la chambre peut rester dangereux. Vous imaginez alors les dangers formidables que constitueraient des amas de cadavres, que ce soit dans un hangar, dans une maison, dans une prétendue ?chambre à gaz nazie?. Là est le hic. ?Hic jacet periculum? et nulle part ailleurs. On aboutit à une totale impossibilité pratique. D?où ma question de 1978 : ?Pour moi, ces gazages de masse sont techniquement impossibles; maintenant, si vous, vous pensez que c?est techniquement possible, montrez-le moi?. Vous connaissez la réponse qui m?a été faite le 21 février 1979 : une plaisanterie et un aveu d?impuissance. Et, depuis cette date, j?attends toujours une réponse soit de ces plaisantins, soit de F. Berg.

Ce que ce dernier n?a jamais supporté, c?est qu?un Français, imprégné de culture littéraire classique, ait fait une découverte en quelque sorte d?ordre scientifique là où on aurait attendu un chimiste ou un ingénieur allemand ou américain et, plus spécialement encore, un ingénieur américain car aux Etats-Unis on avait sur place l?exemple de la chambre à gaz des pénitenciers. A ce propos, j?ai rappelé qu?en 1917 des humanitaristes américains ont eu l?idée qu?il serait plus facile et plus humain d?exécuter des condamnés avec du gaz qu?avec une chaise électrique, une corde de potence ou douze balles dans la peau. C?est quand on a voulu passer à la fabrication d?une chambre à gaz qu?on s?est aperçu des difficultés techniques. Au bout de sept ans d?efforts, la première exécution a eu lieu à Carson City (Nevada) et elle a failli tourner à la catastrophe générale.

Qu?aurait fait F. Berg si on lui avait demandé de pénétrer, soit tout de suite après l?exécution, soit des heures après, dans son hangar pour en retirer mille cadavres hautement cyanurés et donc intouchables ? Je lui ai un jour posé la question en public. Il est resté coi. Je lui ai dit : ?Etudiez un sujet que vous n?avez jamais étudié : celui des chambres à gaz d?execution dans votre propre pays?. Je me souviens qu?un Américain qui avait suivi notre conversation a alors fait une réflexion qui revenait à dire : ?Eh bien, voilà au moins qui est clair !?

Bien à vous.


Le 29/11/07 0:43, « Bocage » <bocage> a écrit :

Where did Robert Faurisson get the insane idea that "a train would take f-o-r-e-v-e-r to ventilate?" Where? Any idea? There is absolutely no serious evidence to support that kind of nonsense. All of the large railroad delousing chambers were equipped with powerful circulation fans and ductwork, and more, to achieve total ventilation within about one hour. 

The same criticism applies to Faurisson's claim that "the corpses would be poisonous to the touch." Don't they have rubber gloves in France? They certainly had rubber gloves in Nazi Germany if they ever had to touch corpses. They need have only touched the corpses many hours, or even days, later for unloading the cattle cars in some remote location after a lengthy trip. During such trips the slotted cattle cars (cattle cars always have lots of openings for ventilation) would have undergone additonal ventilation if that would have even been needed. After executions of prisoners in America, the corpse is also thoroughly rinsed with running water from a hose. Hoses with running water would have also been available to the Nazis.

Any pile of bodies of people killed with cyanide gas is, to a great extent, self-ventilating because of the body temperatures of the corpses.  Cyanide boils at 79.6 degrees Fahrenheit, but corpses will remain at more than 90 degrees Fahrenheit for many hours after death.  The body temperature of a corpse declines slowly after death at a rate of roughly one degree per hour.  The exact rate will vary with the temperature of the surrounding environment, of course--but, any pile of corpses will retain its heat for a long time, even in a cold environment.  In general, the rate of decline is such a well-established fact that forensic pathologists have for many decades used charts for rates of decline in body temperature to determine time of death. 

Images (above) with captions from: Francis E. Camps, editor, Gradwohl's Legal Medicine, 3d ed., (Great Britain: Year Book Medical Publishers Inc., 1976), page 87.

So,  there will be NO liquid cyanide accumulating or condensing on the skin, for example, because the corpses and the immediate environments surrounding the corpses will be above the boiling point of cyanide. There may be some small accumulations of liquid cyanide condensing and adhering to the hair of corpses at the cooler exterior edges of a pile of corpses, but the quantities involved here will inevitably be quite small and easily removed with the ventilation inside the delousing gas chamber.  In any event, rubber gloves and gas masks are still easy enough to use to handle corpses.  Water hoses are certainly going to be used as well to clean the railroad cars.  So, disposal of the corpses is NOT some monumental technical problem.

The Germans and their Allies fumigated many thousands of trains with Zyklon-Bwithout Jews in them. Technically, it would have been almost as easy to fumigate the same trains with Jews in them. That some people fail to grasp this is pathetic. But, the homicidal possibilities of this technology would have been obvious to anyone with any railroad expertise in Nazi Germany. Zyklon-B advertisements, such as the one above, showing trains being fumigated with Zyklon-B appeared in many technical journals. The railroaders would have appreciated it if there had been any kind of extermination program. Railroads were an essential element of the alleged extermination program. Just imagine all those railroad cars packed with dirty Jews from the ghettoes of Europe, half-starved supposedly, crammed together without toilets and even dying along the way to Treblinka, or wherever. The railroad cars had to be cleaned and fumigated anyway for the return trips. So, why not combine steps?

Several months ago, I sent the following "sanity" test question around to a number of prominent revisionist activists who shall be unnamed here: "Please let me know whether or not you agree with me that railroad delousing gas chambers as used in Budapest before and during WW2 could have been have been e-a-s-i-l-y used to commit mass murder by the Nazis." With few exceptions, I received evasive answers or no answers at all, and several loud protests that I even dared to ask such a question. As a species, we are in big trouble, folks.

Rather than resembling in any way "the complex mass-production methods of a modern [industrial] plant" as Raul Hilberg alleges on page 555 of The Destruction of European Jewry, 1961, where people were supposedly "killed on an 'assembly line' basis"—what we have been given instead is a process that could have only been imagined by the most technically retarded and blind people imaginable. The gassing tales are too absurd to be believed except by people who are technically retarded and wilfully blind themselves. Unfortunately, many "revisionists" are just as retarded and wilfully blind.


No Lockdown for Nazi Mass Gassings

In the US, where gas executions are rather common, American prisoners are persuaded to assist in their own executions. If the prisoners do not assist in their own executions, they must endure a horrible slow death instead of a quicker death,. Sometimes there seems to be a loss of consciousness within less than five minutes but it still takes as long as 18 minutes to cause actual death of a single prisoner in the US with cyanide gas. The usual time to death is between 12 and 15 minutes. Prisoners are coached to breathe deeply upon a signal from the executioner and inhale the cyanide gas vapors as soon as the vapors have risen to the nostrils of the prisoner. They must not take that deep breath too soon. They must not inhale as soon as the cyanide salt egg is dropped into the sulfuric acid pail—but only many seconds later when the cyanide vapors reach the prisoner's nostrils at which time the executioner gives them a signal. Otherwise, the prisoner will breathe too early, or too late, and fill his lungs with clean air and prolong the agony of his own demise.

But also, for American executions of a single prisoner, there is always a "lockdown" of the entire prison for eight hours, or more, prior to any execution and for several hours after the execution as well. This is done to prevent riots and to allow the execution procedure with a limited number of prison personnel to proceed without interruption. All prisoners are kept locked within their cells. Executions are just one more excuse for prisoners to riot against the system because of real or imagined grievances. Prison riots occur often enough without any executions. This is spelled out in a number of books by American executioners and prison wardens. One recent reference is Death at Midnight: the confession of an executioner by Donald A. Cabana (Northeastern University Press, 1996), page 158. There is even a 5-part BBC TV series of YouTube videos with Cabana and other American executioners explaining, in person, the problems they encountered. The linked video is only part 2 in the 5-part series with an audio German translation of the English text.

The above collage uses photos taken on or about August 25, 1944 when the mass murder process was supposedly in full swing at Auschwitz. The photos are from easy-to-find and verifiable sources such as the USHMM, and the CIA for the aerial reconnaisance photo. The captions on the aerial photo were put there by CIA specialists. The Germans are marked in these photos with blue ink and are either totally unarmed, or lightly armed (no machine guns or even helmets anywhere—and not many rifles either, if any). The red circles show guard towers. Among the newly arrived prisoners and German soldiers there are also many prisoners in striped-uniforms who seem to be serving as baggage handlers. There are many anecdotes saying that this last group included many Jews who told the new arrivals that their fate was to be turned into crematory chimney smoke.

Please note the chimneys of Kremas 2 and 3 at the extreme right side of the larger image. But, but, but—where is the smoke? The chimneys supposedly poured forth smoke and flame 24 hours per day which could be seen for miles according to numerous holocaust "eyewitness" accounts including Olga Lemyel's Five Chimneys.But, lo and behold, the real photos that we have NEVER show any smoke at all. Could it be that the Krema fires had all stopped burning Jews from the previous batch of thousands of Jews? In fact, ALL of the photos of Kremas—ground photos (such as the photo lower left looking toward the Krema chimney in the distance) as well as ALL of the more than fifty aerial photos taken by USAAF over many months fail to show the slightest trace of smoke from any of the Krema chimneys.

Where is the tight security for such fiendish acts of mass murder? Where is the evidence of any kind of "lockdown?" There is nothing even remotely comparable to what is normal in the US for the execution of a single prisoner. No Nazi "lockdown" has even been suggested for the alleged, almost daily, mass gassings of thousands of Jews by the Nazis. On the contrary, the Jews marked for gassing casually strolled to the gas chambers (as in the above aerial photo) in full view of tens of thousands of other prisoners and with almost no security to restrain them. There are no handcuffs or shackles, or anything even remotely comparable to what is routinely used in American prisons for those on deathrow or in the Guantanomo prison.

The image in the above BBC story has gone around the world many times. It is so sad to see a mother and her children "on their way to the gas chambers"— but, the story is also rubbish. This picture and others of intended victims near the Kremas fail to show any physical restraint of the intended victims. Nothing is evident other than a casual walk amidst dreary surroundings with a barbed wire fence in the background..

Can one really believe that thousands of Jews, of all people, would simply stroll en masse to their own executions? But, that is essentially what we are told in the holocaust propaganda. That is what hundreds of millions of people believe because of the vast, all-powerful jewish holocaust industry. And, it supposedly happened ever day, year after year. Parents about to enter a gas chamber even lied to their children, supposedly, so that they would all die together, bravely, stoically, without any resistance. Such fairytales make great melodrama for Hollywood and TV soap operas about the poor suffering Jews. If one stops to think about it, how can anyone believe such insane nonsense? But generally, people do not stop to think. They have been brainwashed—and, they are afraid to think. One must still face imprisonment in Germany and Austria and elsewhere for the merest expression of doubt about this obscene fairytale. Orwell's1984 is here—and the Jews are firmly in control.

This image is based on an SS construction drawing in Pressac's book online page ------
(click on image to view full-size)

Cyanide Gas Chambers to keep Jews ALIVE in Auschwitz-Birkenau – Only 200 feet from the center of the infamous unloading ramp, where Mengele supposedly made "selections," are two T-shaped delousing stations. They are also clearly visible in the aerial view within the collage shown above. Here new arrivals entered the "dirty" side and undressed before being examined medically and showering. Their clothing and personal articles were fumigated with Zyklon-B (which released cyanide) in gas chambers in the meantime. There was no secret about these "gas chambers"– they are clearly marked as such on all relevant German construction drawings for example. Eventually, (after about an hour) all fumigated articles and clothing were returned to the new arrivals who would dress and leave from the "clean" side, and enter the camp proper.

Nowhere is it even claimed that the delousing stations, directly across the tracks from the center of the loading ramp, or their gas chambers were ever used for murder. Those real, life-saving gas chambers gave rise, no doubt, to false claims long afterwards about non-existent, "genocidal" gas chambers in the crematorium buildings at the extreme end of the ramp as shown. "Selections" were routinely made because of the limited capacity of the delousing stations, and people were "sent to the gas chambers" but not to be gassed themselves; – they were sent there ONLY to have their clothing and personal effects fumigated so that they would stay healthy and alive in the camp, and wherever they were eventually sent, afterwards. The poorly-dressed old lady with her children was probably on her way along a path that took her past Kremas 2 and 3 to the sauna building whereshe could be given a far more leisurely cleaning, with all of her laundry and possessions.

Please note in the aerial photo above that the gate around the courtyard for Krema 2 is open whereas the gate for Krema 3 is closed. One can clearly see that in the photo, expecially if one enlarges the image somewhat. But no German guards or guides, with or without whips, are present anywhere near those gates, or even inside the courtyards.

Now just imagine Dr. Josef Mengele at the ramp, or one of his henchman, instructing a group of Jews marked for "extermination" on how they should get to the gas chamber.

"Just walk about a hundred yards, and go through that open gate—over there, see that gate in the distance, folks—and then go to the end of the partially-buried structure, and down the stairway to the undressing room."

"Oh, and by the way, just ignore any shouts of advice from the thousands of residents in those barracks along the way."

Surely, those directions would have been a bit confusing for almost anyone. So, where are the guides or the armed guards with submachine guns that would have been needed to coax the victims to their tragic destiny? They are not there, anywhere, because the story we have been given is a hoax. Real objective evidence such as photos taken at the time totally refute the lies which were confabulated by people like Rudolf Vrba. What might be called "snapshots of the mass murder process" totally fail to show anything like what should have been occurring. The mass gassings simply never happened!

In any event, railroad delousing tunnels would have avoided many of the likely problems connected with any conceivable mass murder program since the Jews would have already been securely locked inside cattle cars, and the execution procedures would have been entirely hidden from view.

Friedrich Paul Berg

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NAZI Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!


Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides By Thomas Dalton

In this remarkable, balanced book, the author skillfully reviews and compares "traditional" and "revisionist" views on the "The Holocaust."

On one side is the traditional, orthodox view -- six million Jewish casualties, gas chambers, cremation ovens, mass graves, and thousands of witnesses. On the other is the view of a small band of skeptical writers and researchers, often unfairly labeled "deniers," who contend that the public has been gravely misled about this emotion-laden chapter of history.

The author establishes that the arguments and findings of revisionist scholars are substantive, and deserve serious consideration. He points out, for example, that even the eminent Jewish Holocaust scholar Raul Hilberg acknowledged that there was no budget, plan or order by Hitler for a World War II program to exterminate Europe's Jews.

This book is especially relevant right now, as "Holocaust deniers" are routinely and harshly punished for their "blasphemy," and as growing numbers of people regard the standard, Hollywoodized "Holocaust" narrative with mounting suspicion and distrust.

The author of this book, who writes under the pen name of "Thomas Dalton," is an American scholar who holds a doctoral degree from a major US university.

This is no peripheral debate between arcane views of some obscure aspect of twentieth century history. Instead, this is a clash with profound social-political implications regarding freedom of speech and press, the manipulation of public opinion, how our cultural life is shaped, and how power is wielded in our society.


Michael Santomauro
Editorial Director
Call anytime: 917-974-6367



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