
Feb 12, 2010

Paul Grubach protests over Mark Weber's IHR on pro-White list


Feb. 12, 2010

Subject: Protest against including Mark Weber's IHR on Russell James's list of "The 25 Most Important Pro-White Organizations"
Dear Michael,
I request that you post this vigorous protest.  Specifically, I would like to respectfully protest Mr. Russell James's inclusion of Mark Weber's Institute for Historical Review (IHR) on his list of The Most Important Pro-White Organizations.  Weber's IHR deserves no such positive publicity.
Let me begin by pointing out that Mark Weber led the charge that ultimately destroyed two very effective pro-White Institutions, Willis Carto's Liberty Lobby and The Spotlight.  After destroying these pro Euro-American groups, Weber did nothing to replace them.  The IHR under his leadership has done very little to advance the interests of White people.  The two institutions that Weber destroyed--Liberty Lobby and The Spotlight--did far more than Weber's IHR ever did for the interests of White people. 
Mr. James wrote: "The IHR is a site devoted to accurate historical research, with a focus on events of the early to middle part of the last century."
Grubach responds. Weber's IHR has not done any "accurate historical research" in years.  Weber destroyed the Journal of Historical Review, the IHR's book publishing arm, the IHR newsletter, and the IHR's yearly conferences.  Weber's Internet radio show lasted a few weeks and then quietly disappeared.  As the IHR's tax returns show, Weber's IHR has taken in millions of dollars over the years.  Nevertheless, Mark Weber's IHR has produced very little new "accurate historical research."  The IHR's web site now consists almost solely of newspaper clippings from other institutions, and a few articles Weber writes here and there.  And of course, every once in a while Weber appears on a radio show.
Yes, Weber's web site is valuable because one can gain access to back issues of the now defunct Journal of Historical Review.  But it must be emphasized again, Mark Weber ended this most useful publication and he is too lazy to even produce an online journal to replace it.
Mr. James wrote: "Why is it [the IHR] important?  Simple - it exposes the myths, inaccuracies, and outright lies of those that won WWII and therefore were able to (re-)write history."
Grubach responds.  This describes the IHR of the past, and not the present.  Mark Weber's IHR has ceased being a major force that "exposes the myths, inaccuracies, and outright lies of those that won WWII."
Indeed, Mark Weber's January 2009 essay, "How Relevant is Holocaust Revisionism?" gave a big boost to those anti-White organizations that use the Holocaust mythology against White people.  Weber's erroneous conclusions that he wrote in that disastrous essay are now being used by the enemies of pro-White organizations to promote more myths and inaccuracies. 
Once again, Michael, in the interests of fairness, I respectfully request that you publish this missive.
Best Wishes,
Paul Grubach     




Michael Santomauro
Editorial Director
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