
Aug 11, 2010

The Nazi and Fascist Origins of the Bank for International Settlements


The Nazi and Fascist Origins of the Bank for International Settlements
I.G. Farben, a German industrial conglomerate that did a lot of shady business dealing with Prescott Bush, Standard Oil and Dupont, was a key in funding and keeping the Nazi party afloat. I.G. Farben also used slave labor at Auschwitz for production of synthetic oils and rubber, yet it also held the patent for Zyklon B and owned 42.2% of Degesch, the company that manufactured it. Schacht, however, became disillusioned with the Nazi party's treatment of the Jews and was involved in several coup attempts against Hitler, most notably the July 20th plot. He would be arrested and sent to Dachau, later to be liberated by Fifth U.S. Army and subsequently charged with war crimes for his role in bringing the Nazi party to power. The charges would be dropped.

Hjalmar Schacht and Montagu Norman were most certainly in contact prior to their involvement in the pre-WWII Young Committee: both were members of the Anglo-German Fellowship, "an association primarily representing business interests that was established in 1935 to promote friendly relations between Britain and Germany."

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