
Aug 7, 2011

Protests Grow in Israel, With 250,000 Marching


Protests Grow in Israel, With 250,000 Marching

By: Admin
Published: August 6, 2011

Israel's biggest protest in decades overlooked worldwide

By: Admin
Published: 02 August, 2011, 10:54
Protestors in Israel accuse foreign media of burying their heads in the sand over of the biggest anti-government protests the country has seen in decades. Tens of thousands of people are staging demonstrations over deteriorating living standards.

The events, however, are little known outside of Israel, because their story is not receiving the coverage which protests in Egypt and other Arab countries did.

"When it comes to Israel, a lot of the foreign media want to see an action movie. This [demonstration] hasn't been violent," May Flam, a protestor explained.

It is the largest demonstration in Israel in over a decade. And how did ABC, CBS and NBC cover it? Not at all! While the editors of France 24, BBC and Sky coughed up just a few meager seconds.

"Perhaps it is not that interesting to their editors back in the studios. OK, there is a protest, what exactly is a protest? A social protest? A revolution? It is not the same kind of story, as big and dramatic as some of the bigger revolutions happening around the Middle East," says Amir Mizroch, English editor for Yisrael Hayom daily.

Amir Mizroch is not surprised by the worldwide lack of media...
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